Our organization is adaptive and “with the times” in utilizing business intelligence, artificial intelligence, robotics process automation, digital patient engagement and other technology-based techniques and key business drivers. We offer a solution via our channel partner to enhance your organization or can use your preferred systems and your ideas to train and equip your team to engage and succeed more efficiently in an industry that is moving further away from paper and singular phone calls each year.
Merlin aggregates Acute, Ambulatory, Call Center data, and Third Party data sources into one centralized hub that helps unify the revenue cycle team (from Pre Processing all the way through to Bad Debt vendor management) and connects rev cycle to Finance.
Merlin empowers the Team to “slice and dice” and carve up the AR with unlimited dimensions and perspectives to find pockets of Cash, reshape the Receivable and quickly cleanse the AR of uncollectibles.
Call Center production statistics are published from and housed in Merlin.
The Team executes a No Surprises Campaign and models Income Statement impacts on Bad Debt and Denials (Contractuals) weekly. Whether the news is favorable or unfavorable, the Team “knows the story” and can rapidly collaborate with Finance and moreover, change strategy on the fly to change outcomes.
Total Touches per Rep per Day are measured.
Results Oriented vs “kicking the can down the road” touches are measured.
FHN committed to a Business Intelligence/Big Data or analytics driven revenue cycle approach in 2007 or before.
Before the en vogue industry terms that are now common place today were in circulation, FHN was already piloting or implementing these principles. Single Version of the Truth – FHN committed to ending disparate reporting sources for solving complex business problems several years ago and launched Merlin to consolidate all data, wherever possible, into one software solution. FHN uses analytics to join Hospital and Financial data to provide a “supercharged” Guarantor view (ie, consolidating Pay Plans and Self Pay follow up routines) of the Accounts Receivable.
Predictive modeling is used to understand how to approach patients regarding Financial Assistance, extended Pay Plans or creative solutions to complex high balance scenarios.
FHN manages the AR by Disposition (the underlying story of where an account sits in its life-cycle) and not just by Age and Balance.
The Rev Cycle Team views the DNFB as another segment of the AR and not “us vs HIM”.
In this regard, there is daily segmentation, feedback loop reporting and actionable target setting to reduce and sustain best practice levels of Discharged Not Final Billed.
The DNFB is managed by Key Ratios instead of static targets.
Delayed Cash Due to DNFB Beyond Suspense by Payer is measured Daily.
The coding output target adjusts directionally with volumes.
HIM Leaders receive ongoing mentorship on the back-end of the rev cycle and greatly understands their impact. This simply does not occur elsewhere.